RHLSTP | Richard Herring

Pippa Evans

28 April 2021

Paul Mckenna's Talking Thumb

Richard is paying tribute to a recently departed Duke, though how long will people remember his name? His guest is ex Buckingham Palace shop girl, Pippa Evans.

They chat about accidental headlining, how terrible gigs teach you more than great ones, whether jokes are the last refuge of the humourless, how you can improv your life, Richard's plan for a groundbreaking autobiography, profound life lessons that happen in lifts, children wishing everyone dead and Anneka Rice's jumpsuit.

Buy Pippa's book “Improv Your Life” here https://www.amazon.co.uk/Improv-Your-Life-Pippa-Evans/dp/1529344859

Her website is here http://www.pippaevans.com/